quinta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2008

Self Portrait 1 - Gouache on wood - Dez / 2008

Self portrait is the last drawer.
The ex shoes drawer that became a cupboard (by me breaking it and by Fer realinzing the idea and painting the new cupboard), and three of the drawers have left.
The first one was the first contemporary painting... the one I glued objects on the board. The second one was the first Pollock’s experience. And the third one was the self portrait, me juggling, with a sea over my head. It came from a photo of mine (when used to be a hippie travelling in the north of Argentina – in San Juan at the time of the photo), and the sea on the background is from a photo of a friend of mine with her boyfriend on the beach, with this beautiful landscape behind…I suppose it does not look like a landscape…but that does not matter too much…first because it is whatever u want it to be, and second because I’m telling you it is a landscape.
I’m tired of that contemporary art thought that it is what u see. No, it is a landscape, and if u do not see it as one, read my text and find it out…instead of trying to find it out by yourself.
Fast drawing.
Fast painting.
The drawing was made some months ago, 2 or three…I cannot remember. But I do remember it was made really fast.
The first thing I did before starting to paint was to redraw the face. It got better…It was too small when I first made it…kind of funny…It is not my intention to make caricatures.
About the colours: it was the first time I used the Fauvist colours thinking naturally about contrasting them…and not looking at the basic and elementar coulours circle, wondering which one contrasts better with another.
It came naturally…thinking like…this blue is too dark to contrast with this green…or the yellow is too light to contrast with the orange, or even with the red.
The purple keeps meaning nature! And the green keeps meaning sky! I do not wanna to stuck on the green sky…although the one I’m making now, I’ve decided already I will keep the sky green…But I do wanna make the sky colourful…like Derain!
I have to remember the first painting. Vue de la maison a Rainha do Mar. It was made without a draught, and leaving blank spaces.
Believe in the blank space. Do not care about what people think. (They usually think blank spaces mean not-knowing how to paint) (But they do not know, that knowing how to paint does not exist!).
Better signature. More personal. More personality.

Portrait like the Fauvist used to do. I love the colourful faces...Matisse paing Derain, Derain painting Vlaminck, Vlaminck painting Matisse!

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