Unexpected São Paulo

It can be pleasant or not when one visits a city and realizes that it is somehow different than was expecting. If it is different in a good way, then great!
SP is clean, organized (somehow in my weird point of view I managed to consider that), a chaotic traffic (which does not concern to me as I do not know how to drive), a great metro (reminds me London) which can take you everywhere in a few minutes and opens quite early (which is great, cause if the club gets boring (rare in SP) you don’t have to wait for the metro to open).
Before considering the parties, I’d better start by the cultural side of the city, just to sound the staying there a bit more behaved and intellectual. What a city for museums and cultural spaces.
The quite new museum AfroBrasil at Ibirapuera Park can be very touching for those who can see the influence of the black culture as one of the three main influences (indigenous people, Portuguese people as well as immigrants) in the way we Brazilians behave, a permanent exhibition that shows not only the history of the black people in our country but amazing photographs of African tribes from the 50’s.
What else can be seen? The very new museum of the Portuguese Language, almost made me cry with its amazing 10-minute movie followed by a kind of presentation, when the screen of the movie theatre opens up and we are invited to enter in it, and a presentation that mixes lightning with readings of the most famous Brazilian writers, not to say the amazingly well built non permanent exhibition of ‘Grande Sertão: Veredas’. This museum is located in the train station ‘Luz’, and the Pinacoteca is just across it, but as I took too long at the Portuguese Language museum, at the time I got there it was already closed.
MASP is the most famous museum in the city, there are many famous paintings, and the architecture of the building is recognized throughout the world. The interesting thing about it is that its four columns were painted in red, as the original project was, just during the president Color’s administration, cause it was considered socialist at the time of the military dictatorship, when it was built.
Copan building (Oscar Niemeyer), Itália building, Conjunto Nacional, Espaço Cultural Banco do Brasil, Municipal Theatre and the quite old and unfashionable Trianon Park were other nice seen places.
And at last, to finish the ‘intellectual’ part, on the international day of the closed museums, Monday, my visiting plans were all spoilt after realizing that, and with no good ideas in mind even after visiting the Tourist Information desk (that cannot always be relied on), there I went, Oscar Freire street (there is nothing there but the most expensive stores in the world which can be found in any of these boring streets in the cities of London, Paris, New York, Tokyo, Dublin and maybe even in Porto Alegre one can find one of these nothing-non-seen-before-places, as well as the richest people of the country walking up and down with their expensive ugly purses).
Best city in the country to go clubbing and probably on of the best three or four cities in the world, London and New York may as good as. However they are cosmopolitan cities, Sao Paulo is just working on it; if you wanna se foreigners, go to Rio instead.
First of all I must thank again for the guy who built the metro in SP, which allows anyone to go to any party without spending too much time and money finding it.
La Loca was the first club. I was told that the best day there is Sunday, and there I went. Quite underground place, with some strange corridors which take you some time till you find your way in the club, people snorting whatever they manage to find, beautiful and mixed people and boring drag queens (one day the Brazilian drag’s will learn with the porteñas). On Tuesday there I went again, the plan was going to a place called Vegas, but at the time we arrived there were just some black straight people who were going to enjoy black music, so we moved on to La Loca (second time there) which is near by, and I enjoyed a lot the place again, but there must be another crowded place on Tue. Please Paulistas, tell me the good place to go on Tuesday, I’ve heard there are parties all days in your city.
D-Edge was the second one, on Monday. What a place. Incredible lightning decoration. Lights everywhere, from the floor up to the ceiling, a special place to take any hallucinogen substance. I had not seen so many beautiful people for quite long, or did I use something? No, Nothing but the usual. A very straight friendly place. So many pretty, nice and talkative women gathered together in one place. Rock’n roll playing!
After all these places, this is the place-to-go. D-Edge.
The weekend in São Paulo was to be a business weekend, went for the second phase of a selective process of Emirates Airline. I failed…or did they fail not choosing me?
Special thanks to my two Gauchos’ friends, Adair and Ricardo, who hosted me in a great way.
2 comentários:
Hey mate!
Good to read about SP on your page. I went to D-Edge as well. I think it is indeed a good club. But i must tell u, if u get drunk, it is difficult to balance yourself as there are lights everywhere :P Hey, keep writing... but i will wait for you on www.multiply.com. Cheers,
Como dantes, adorei ler...
(puta palavra essa, não?)
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