The Fauvists would be pissed off with me, saying that this shit is a Fauvist paiting. However, they would be happy too, coz I'm painting. And I am paiting.
Last week I have just started my studies on the portraits. Retratos. It's quite difficult to draw the human face, the very little details make big differences..
On this first self-portrait, I didnt mean to be precise. I think I got tired of my studies. I had made before two or three drawings of my face, looking at a quite big and old mirror. However, at the time I decided to draw and paint on the board, I have just almost given up my previous studies, and decided to paint more freely. I drank. I couple of shots of cachaça helped me a little bit. It was fast. It didnt take more than an hour. It was after a sex. Not that good one, but enough to be the turning point. That moment. The decision moment. "Now, I'm gonna make it". And then, there is nothing that can stop you. The only thing that can stop you, is to see the board finished. The colours, all brigthing and shinning just in fron of you. Now you wait, for the paint to dry. It is acrylic. It is fast. Who is gonna buy it? I hope no one!!!!!!
p.s. Realitè Poetique. I may be changing the moviment.
p.s.2. The next one, is a big project. It doesnt mean very good. It just means..long time working on it...
Um comentário:
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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