quinta-feira, 15 de março de 2007


You feel a bit sad when you leave all your friends behind, you really miss them. You are in a new city, and even if u didn’t call them before, at least you knew they were there, and you could call them if you felt like. Now you don’t have this feeling anymore, and all of a sudden you fell like calling the most random friend ever, or your best friend…but you can’t anymore.
One fell a bit sad when one friend of your leaves. You do feel sad, if he was at least a good friend of yours. Your friend is not there anymore when you feel like calling him/her. Even if it was a very rare calling, but even that rare calling can't happen anymore.
But then, it was one friend, not all your friends.
It’s hard to leave all your friends behind.
It’s good to make new friends. But it’s hard to leave all your friends behind.
Keep in touch!

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