domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2012

Someone by the Beach

Beach? Which beach?
Beach? Do you mean bitch?
Which bitch?
Me too
Ohhh, fuck off bitch

Body proportion is getting better
Color choices always right
Amount of work always little
Signature always ugly

p.s. tks for the photo.
There is no thanks, pay me bitch
I will, just lie on the bitch…and be patient beach


Ä Å Ö are swedish letters
Fördom means Prejudice, Preconceito, Prejuicio, Préjudice, Pregiudica,  Vorurteil
How much I like the surrounding cutting of this painting, although on the right side it misses cutting still...
Ohhh, I’ve been so lazy to take it out from the wall and cut this right side…It would take me probably not more than 5 minutes, and I’ve been so lazy, and it would be so important…probably it is taking longer to write about my laziness than making the work.
My laziness is even unfocusing the purpose of the painting. My laziness is now more relevant than the Swedish People's Fördom!

Btw, mot means against
And foreigners means….they think it means threat…

P.s. Laziness overcame

sexta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2012

Eletronic Indigenous Soul

Like the  aussie aborigine electronic music
Bum beat bum beat tou soul lous bum beat uuuu beat souls lum um louu souu bum cul pum bum dou
Traces flying into your stou
Colours playing through my dou
Movement soul feels low
High beat goes soul
Leave the brow to feel alou
And throw the doul into the soul
Bum sum lul doul
Electronic beat into the blou
Red traces flowing the houl
Pull the fow allou and cut the bridges andou
No…still flows into the coal and leaving the poul into no soul
Ouuu …show my flow into the blue and dive thru the soul alou
‘Coz Into a red soul all blue go slow
Ouuu soul how sweet lou
Bringing my fears all as though
Nothing else could me blow

sábado, 24 de novembro de 2012


It came on an impatient day
Anything goes
The result is not important, the making is what matters
So you just do it
This free process always brings a bra result
Not immediately though… make it, let it go, look at it later, and then u you like it
Initially I hated it, as I was supposed to, later I loved it, as I knew I would  
Of course, after some weeks, the scissor made its work and finished it.

What does one need an expensive frame for if one has a scissor?


Detsammas som sista painting
Gul frame och scissor played the final role
Det är inte Sami men det är braziliansk Indian handcraft
Jag har gett det för min bästa vän...
Jag vet han ska ta hand om det, även om har han hung det på wrong sida
Jag hoppas att the indigenous handcraft inspires me för att göra andra paintings
and Svenskenglish rules...

sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2012

Sweden Production

Scissor and Blue

Today I start writing about the artistic production in Sweden. It started firstly as a therapy, doing very fast paintings, just playing around and enjoying the colors. But seeing those all hung on the wall, I start feeling insatisfaction, realizing sth was missing. Then I start taking them all out of the wall and keek working on them.. It was when I found the importance of the scissor and how it fits to work with the tissue that I was painting on.

This was probably my first painting, it was hanging on the wall for some weeks till I realized how to finish it. 
Cut around and paint in blue, then it comes out like a frame.

and this simple act of cutting will then influence the whole future process….

sábado, 2 de junho de 2012


Pistache, antes de mais nada, tem sabor
mas tb tem cor
tem pregador
tem alfinete e estilete
tem dina
corda bamba
tem samba do criolo doido
e até chuva tem
tem Carol de Carolina
e Carouzinha
Tem Bsb de Brasília e tem prego
prego massa
prego na massa
segura o prego e tb o t
t de tinha
tinha a torre
que eram grampos e desabou
grampos que grampeiam
grampeado a natureza
tem rock
tem santo
e ateh comu
ção tem
e Pistache tb tem.

Pistache - 2012 - 29 x 47cm

segunda-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2012

A Liberdade

Não importa o que eu pensei quando fiz ela, importa o que nós vamos pensar quando vir ela (a obra).


É a obra da liberdade vespertina. Pintada em uma tarde tranqüila e normal, mas que naquele momento, algo deveria ser demonstrado. A liberdade em um curto espaço de tempo.

Fiz quatro esboços para esse quadro. Mas o produto final não teve nada a ver com nenhum deles.

Auto retrato: Eu, sem camisa, desenhando ou pintando um quadro. Meu quarto como fundo.

Esse ficou apenas na imaginação.

O que se concretizou foi a Liberdade.

Diversos materiais, qualquer um, o que fosse encontrado pela frente e desse vontade de usar. Gostei dos pontos feitos direto com o tubinho de tinta. Pincéis diferentes. Caneta. Joga cola-tinta e usa pincel. Varia.

O fundo laranja, as cores puras. O ponto de interrogação os pontinhos em zigue zague ou uma onda caindo. Seria um pássaro? Uma mão com um lápis. Descubro um rosto e uma lágrima na sua frente. Me me me seria eu? A tinta cola vai rodopiando e uma grande bola de fogo verde se aproximando. O laranja gritando no fundo do espaço sideral.