domingo, 28 de julho de 2013

Meditating on the Slackline

na natureza
é difícil
pq a sensação é distraída pelos fatores externos
vento, cheiros, toques, claridade
Cores deturpam a consciência
Olhe um quadro
Olhe e apenas olhe
Não opine, não diga, não se excite nem se desaponte
e se sentir, sinta
observe o sentimento
e deixe-o gentilmente desaparecer
pois, como tudo, ele tb é impermanente

terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2013

Swedish Production

The 14 paintings below were exhibited at Yoga Shala in Östersund, Sweden in February 2013.
   Just the painting Eletronic Indigenous Soul was sold, by 150 Sek = 50 Reals.
The money was reverted to the Social Project  part of my final thesis at the Master in Tourism at MIUN University 

Educational Tourism in the Bananal Indigenous Community in Brasília - DF: transforming

Tack så mycket!


quinta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2013

Crazy, me?

and Who is not? If everybody is, then nobody is. If you are not, then you are.

Let us be crazy. Let us break paradigms. Why do you always brush your teeth the same way? ‘Coz there is no need to think. Change your mind and the World changes.

How? Being calm! 
Do not believe in your thoughts or feelings; let your mind be the commander.
Trainee Concentration and you will achieve the above.
Trainee Love and you will achieve happiness.
Realize unskillful attitudes and thoughts. Avoid them and you will be rewarded.

Value your moment and do not worry about the future. The past is just a dream inside your mind, used to be true but does not exist anymore.

Be crazy



Everything is temporary and imperfect. 




SAT NAM of Ota

True Identity means being you
True Identity means being above
True Identity means recognizing the other
True Identity means being unique and unite
True Identity means caring to all living entities
True Identity means SAT NAM

We are not Americans, Brazilians, Swedish, Chinese, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Islamists, Men, Women, Human Beings, Professors, Dentists or Physicians, Travellers, Locals, Fathers or Mothers, Sons or Daughther, We are not this We are not that, they are mere given names, to our SAT NAM…and the cycle continues  

Aboriginal Beet

A guitar beat
A drum cord
A beet color
Warmed on cold water
Testing purple on the sky
Smelling white pins scent
Nothing else than Love
Guiding the World with a Word
Nothing else than you and me
Going further than Nirvana
Nothing else than Him
Teaching happiness to mankind 
Through simple purple chants 
Going straight to the mind

Dare Touch It

Dare Touch me and you will feel
The Powerful State of our meaning
Dare Touch it and you will steal
The Highest Art of the painting
Dare focus on love and you will peel
The Smartest knowledge of the being
Dare sing for the Highest and you will seal
The happiest contract with the praying

Dare believe and you will be  
Dare silence and you will listen
Dare contest and you will overcome
Dare touch the sky and the Highest you pull you higher
Dare surrender and enjoyment is entire

quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2013

Imperfect Mandala or The Clips Mandala

We are not material body, we are spiritual soul.

Our True Identity (SAT NAM) is a cycle of born and death. However, it is not a perfect cycle.
We are not Buddha or Jesus or Krishna and we did not break the cycle nor do we go around in a perfect cycle.

Accept it. Look at the imperfection of the cycle and feel the unpleasure, the unenjoyment, the suffering and the imperfection of our existence.

Look at it. Criticize. Suffer. Then find a way to get away from the suffering… by achieving Nirvana or just discussing the meaning of the Imperfect Mandala.  

Swedish Garbage or Garbage Sweden

There is no reason to write Garbage Sweden on the text, but provoking the Swedish. Although they can never be provoked, they are unprovoked people.

I am used to working with garbage that I found on the streets and bring home, usually not knowing what I will do with them but already having ideas since the moment I get them. Sometimes I do never use them; sometimes I do sth straight away. The point is, happily, I do not find garbage in Sweden. Therefore I cannot turn garbage in art here.

But I was eager to find a piece of wood somewhere. As I didn't, I had to sneak it from somewhere…

One day I decided to but a couple of useless things at the local dollar shop. Clips, pins, elastics…they were very good to work with this piece of wood. I liked the final result. The painting could have been a little bit better, as I finished in a bit of a rush in order to exhibit it on my birthday – January 19th 2013, 30 y\o – but the rush also gave a lot of movement to the painting. Good colours. Good Inspiration. And as always, I am satisfied. 

p.s.  Pic 1 - Ready

       Pic 2 - In process
Question: Does an art piece ever get ready?
Answer: No, everything is temporary.

Östersund Campingen

It has always been important for modern artists to depict their daily life. I wish I could do it more often, but at least I do few times and I am satisfied. This is the camping where I live in Östersund. It is the view from my French friends’ cottage.

I am a lazy artist and have no patience to draw twice. If I drew it once more the drawing would be much better, but never mind. I am a truth artists, who is not afraid of showing his mistakes. This is how I saw it when I drew it. Period.

“Every bad drawing can become a good painting”

The colors on this painting were almost all of them right, just with some few wrong choices, which did not play a big role. Although it is not a great drawing I perceive people like to see it. It is figurative, and after looking at all my nonfigurative paintings they get happy to realize that I can draw, at least a little bit.

That is the way I paint. Colorful. Little traces. Basic colors with no darker or lighter. No nuances. There is just One Red. One Blue…and so on..

The sky, as most of the painting, is inspired by Fauvist artists. Traces stronger at the top and smaller at the bottom giving the idea of depth. I also enjoy looking at it.

“A painting has to bring happiness to the one who see it”

I wanted to cut the frame of it and make some forms. But I didn’t and I am satisfied. 

First eller Först

Some people say the first exhibition of a painter, the first album of a musician, the first play of a theater writer are the real true, the real identity (SAT NAM). I believe this, although it does not mean they are the best.

This first is the first painting of the Swedish Production. Well, when I produce there is no first or second or third, they all come at the same time as I work in many paintings at the same time, so I do not get bored. But this one was the first to be ready, the first idea of using the scissor to make the frame. It looks simple but it actually took quite long time to be finished, and the reason for that is that I did not make the background first, but at the end. The green lines do not contrast very much to the blue background. One cannot see them from far away. I wish the green lines were orange. But they are not, and I am satisfied.