I am used to working with garbage that I found on the streets and bring home, usually not
knowing what I will do with them but already having ideas since the moment I
get them. Sometimes I do never use them; sometimes I do sth straight away. The point
is, happily, I do not find garbage in Sweden. Therefore I cannot turn garbage
in art here.
But I was
eager to find a piece of wood somewhere. As I didn't, I had to sneak it from
One day I
decided to but a couple of useless things at the local dollar shop. Clips,
pins, elastics…they were very good to work with this piece of wood. I liked the
final result. The painting could have been a little bit better, as I finished
in a bit of a rush in order to exhibit it on my birthday – January 19th
2013, 30 y\o – but the rush also gave a lot of movement to the painting. Good
colours. Good Inspiration. And as always, I am satisfied.
p.s. Pic 1 - Ready
Pic 2 - In process
Question: Does an art piece ever get ready?
Answer: No, everything is temporary.
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